A Weekend Away For Play

Hey, kitkats! What’s shaking today? I’m trying to get off the struggle bus and into the week as quickly as possible this morning. We spent the weekend away and the struggle is real. I know if you mope and whine it only makes things worse so I’m trying to get my head right and get settled into the Monday morning routine as quickly as possible. Oooooooooookay, so I tried to get settled in quickly but unexpected turns at work have me a lil all over the place and frustrated. Oh well, time to just roll with the punches right?

This weekend my husband and I visited his family at a lake house not too far away from our place. It was a wonderful time and I enjoyed the unplug from the phone. We hung out on the lake, took boat rides, played cards late into the night and ate delicious food. Too much processed food landed this girl in bummerville Saturday night as my body did NOT like all the sweets and carbs. Oh well, lesson learned right?


Oh, I also got a hair cut this weekend and am LOVING the fresh new look,. What do you think, friends?IMG_4932

I had two workouts over the weekend, both on Saturday. It was a double header of teaching BODYCOMBAT followed by BODYPUMP. Last week was full on crazy with teaching and my body REALLY needed the rest on Sunday, so being away was just what the doctor ordered.

Workouts for the week: Right now most of my workouts are classes when I teach because I have yet to get back into the vibe of morning workouts. I know, I know, I need to get back in the groove, but 5am comes so early. Anyway, I have four BODYPUMP classes and one BODYATTACK class on tap for the week and then a kickball tournament this weekend. There will be lots of foam rolling this week for sure.

What do you have planned for this week’s workouts? Did you do anything awesome over the weekend? Wishing you the best week.

3, 2, 1, get your move on!

One thought on “A Weekend Away For Play

  1. Next week (isn’t that what I always say), since I’m scheduled to be in town for the forseeable future, I’m going to get my food figured out. I’ve been feeling like crap for awhile, and I need to get the cravings under control… but today? Today I’ll think about getting some of those Reese’s Pieces and making the most of the last few days? Maybe. lol


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